Dates vs. Coconut Sugar: The Sweet Misconception

Dates vs. Coconut Sugar: The Sweet Misconception

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Dates vs. Coconut Sugar: The Sweet Misconception

Coconut Sugar Myths: Why We Chose Dates as Our Sweetener

When it comes to choosing a sweetener, the options can be overwhelming. We made the conscious decision to use dates as the primary sweetener in all of our products instead of coconut sugar—and here’s why:

Myth #1: Coconut Sugar Is Just as Beneficial as Dates

Coconut sugar is often marketed as a healthier alternative, but the truth is that it is almost identical to cane sugar in terms of calories and lack of nutrients. While dates provide a wealth of nutritional benefits, including fiber, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and protein, coconut sugar lacks these essential nutrients.

Unlike coconut sugar, which is essentially refined tree sap, dates are a whole food that retains all of their natural vitamins and minerals. When you choose a sweetener, why not opt for one that fuels your body with added benefits?

Myth #2: Coconut Sugar Comes from Coconuts

Despite its name, coconut sugar does not come from the coconut itself—it is derived from tree sap. This common misconception makes people believe they are consuming something more nutritious than it actually is.

In contrast, dates are a real fruit, not an added sugar. They are kept in their natural, unprocessed state, ensuring that you get the most out of their nutritional value. We believe in using simple, pure ingredients that benefit your health, without unnecessary processing or misleading labels.

Myth #3: Coconut Sugar Is the Best Sweetener for a Lower Glycemic Index

While coconut sugar is often praised for having a lower glycemic index than cane sugar, the difference is minimal. Coconut sugar’s glycemic index falls between 50-54, making it almost comparable to cane sugar, which has a glycemic index of 60.

On the other hand, dates have a much lower glycemic index of around 42, meaning they have a smaller impact on blood sugar levels. The glycemic index measures how much certain foods affect blood sugar, and we consciously chose the sweetener that provides the most sustained energy while minimizing sugar crashes.

The Truth About Coconut Sugar

We know the food industry loves using trendy marketing words to mislead consumers. Coconut sugar sounds healthier because of the word “coconut” in its name, but in reality, it’s not much different from cane sugar.

We prioritize real, whole-food ingredients that nourish your body instead of just sweetening it. That’s why we use dates in all our products—so you can enjoy a delicious, naturally sweet snack that also supports your health.

Explore Our Date-Sweetened Snacks

Why settle for trendy marketing when you can have real benefits? 

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