How colon cancer changed the way my family eats

How colon cancer changed the way my family eats

2 minute read

How colon cancer changed the way my family eats

Our family history with colon cancer and how dates changed our lives. With a grandfather and great-grandfather diagnosed with colon cancer, my dad always prioritized his colon health. That's where dates came in. He discovered the benefits of dates for gut health, a staple in Middle Eastern diets for millennia.

Research shows that daily consumption can lower the risk of diverticulitis, a painful condition where pouches form in the colon from constipation-related strain. Dates are rich in fiber, which softens stools and reduces bowel strain, crucial for preventing this condition. You can reduce your risk dramatically with a high-fiber diet, and dates are an excellent source of bowel-friendly fiber.

Eating dates and maintaining a healthy diet improved my dad’s colon health.

Before adopting dates and healthy eating habits, my dad’s early doctor exams revealed signs of colon issues. He promptly made changes, incorporating dates into his daily routine.

Years later, during his routine 10-year exam, his doctor remarked that he had the colon health of a 25-year-old! We hadn't realized how beneficial dates were for gut health, along with maintaining a healthy diet.

Since then, dates have become a central focus of our family's diet and a key reason behind the creation of NUTSÓLA. They offer incredible benefits for your diet and can do wonders for colon health.

Explore our Date-Sweetened Products Here

*For reference, Dr. Michael Gregor, who founded, has scientific evidence about how dates can affect your colon.

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