Snacking Responsibly for Sustainable Energy with Jen Smiley

Snacking Responsibly for Sustainable Energy with Jen Smiley

1 minute read

Wake Up and Read the Labels! podcast features us in an episode called "Snacking Responsibly for Sustainable Energy with Jen Smiley".

Meet Jen Smiley (top right photo), an Expert Food Coach and owner of Wake Up and Read the Labels!, where she teaches you how to snack responsibly for sustainable energy.

I connected with her almost 2 years ago and I'm amazed to see her growth in helping so many people eat clean and feel better.

Jen is not afraid to call out brands for their deceiving marketing tactics and pushes for more transparency. It's the same thing we are trying to accomplish with NUTSÓLA.

Our Podcast episode specifically talks about snacking responsibly for sustainable energy. If you’d like to listen, click here!

"No one has to be a nutritionist; they just have to read the ingredient labels. And if they can recognize the ingredients, especially looking at the sugar component, they're going to be healthy." - Adam

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